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Daniele Acciai 




The project is characterized by use of recycled materials and of reade-made. This project represents an imaginary city born because of my travels around the world. It’s an anonymous city: people who live there  and all mass media have not any colour because what I wanted to show was the absence of identity. It doesn't look like a classic architecture, but a creative structure with the development of new expressive languages. The city changes itself because of use of leds in which everyone can observe the housing estate transformation. At the top of the skyscrapers it is possible find trees and grass; from the top, the buildings seem to disappear. Each area has subway, train, tram and bus. The  70%of the streets has a lane for cycles and pedestrians: and everything is best-considered to limit pollution, especially the noise pollution. I created a city for the citizen, looking after his necessity and eco-sustainability; a project that aims to the future with a little piece of creativity.

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